понедельник, 17 декабря 2012 г.


Individual reading with writing blogs is very useful idea. It develops your thinking, talent for writing, creative ability. At the same time it's quite difficult to write regulary, especially because a lot of people have a bad habit to put off  affairs, and I'm not exclusion. But If you do it for some time (write a blog), you will get into the way of doing it. When you just read a book, you can let pass some important moments, and when you write a  blog, you perforce think over different things, you can open for yourself new details, come to a conclusion about something in the book. The time you spend is really worthy of it!
I had a lot of different ideas for my blog, but unfortunately,  not every of them I made a reality.
But I have a very-very big list " Books I want and must read", so I can repair an omission.

As for others, I like Maria Sidorova and Alena Sergeeva's blogs.
Maria has funny ideas such as an inteview with main characters, she impartially appreciates the book and honestly writes what she likes and what she doesn't. Also I like the photo with her cat ;)

As I understood Alena's book is romantic and sentimental story about love,  but at the same time it's about War and it's quite serious and describes horrible events, so Alena's blog is serious, too. She wrote that she likes happy end in books, and it's a pitty for her that this book hasn't happy end. As for me, I can't express my attitude to ending, however, I want to notice that books with happy end are often primitive. I like unexpected events and unpredictable ending, when you finish reading and think "WOW"

When I was a child, a lot of books could give me such emotions, and I often couldn't sleep because it was unbearable interest what wiil be next in the book, so I even was reading under a blanket with electric torch in the night.

It's great when a book reserves to itself something, makes you think about different things and doesn't let you go out in your minds.


Read books, and don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Have a nice winter :)

1 комментарий:

  1. to put off affairs,> things
    and I'm not exclusion >exception
    Individual reading with writing blogs is very useful idea> a very useful idea
    not every of them I made a reality.> I couln't realize all of them
    repair an omission.> catch up with it
    Thank you for your warm wishes. You have a winter-nighty blog and I think you did a good job. Don't stop to think, to analyse, to write, to work on your English. I see much improvement - keep up the good work!
    As I understood Alena's book is romantic and sentimental story about love> a romantic...
    hasn't happy end. > a happy end
    it was unbearable interest what wiil be next in the book> I was too eager to learn what will be next
